25% of all violent crimes reported involve a man assaulting his wife or partner. (EU Campaign Against Domestic Violence, 2000)
Details of intimate partner violence www.cosc.ie/en/COSC/Pages/WP08000146
• One third of victims (34 %) of physical violence by a previous partner experienced four or more different forms of physical violence.
• The most common forms of physical violence involve pushing or shoving, slapping or grabbing, or pulling a woman’s hair.
• Whereas in most cases violence by a previous partner occurred during the relationship, one in six women (16 %) who has been victimised by a previous partner experienced violence after the relationship had broken up.
• Of those women who experienced violence by a previous partner and were pregnant during this relationship, 42 % experienced violence by this previous partner while pregnant. In comparison, 20 % experienced violence by their current partner while pregnant.