Women’s Aid highlights the links between femicide and domestic violence. Femicide Watch 2017 shows that a woman in Ireland is more likely to be killed in her own home and by a current or former boyfriend, partner or husband.
The report reveals that since the beginning of 1996, 216 women have died violently in the Republic of Ireland. 16 children were killed alongside their mothers. 137 women (63%) were killed in their own homes.
Of the 171 (79%) cases that have been resolved (through the courts or in cases of murder-suicide) 95 women (56%) were murdered by a current or former male intimate partner.
Domestic violence kills women. It kills children too. In 2016 we heard over 20,769 disclosures of abuse of women and children. Every day on the Women’s Aid 24hr National Freephone Helpline we hear from women who live on a knife edge of fear and it would be wrong to underestimate the scale and impact of violence against women. Homicide is the ultimate act of domestic violence. Last year there were 646 disclosures where a man has told the woman he will kill her, children, a family members or himself. We noted 522 disclosures where a man had choked, smothered, beaten or threatened to beat his partner with a weapon.
Lethal violence is at the most severe end of the spectrum of violence against women. We know where women are killed. We know how women are killed and by whom. It is time to act. Femicide by an intimate partner must not be accepted as a fact of life. Women should be safe in their homes and in their relationships. And we must recognise the strong connection between the killing of women and domestic violence.
For anyone concerned about their safety or anxious about their relationship, please call the Women’s Aid 24hr National Freephone Helpline 1800 341 900. www.WomensAid.ie
Break the Pattern of Male Violence – UN Day Opposing Violence against Women Seminar
Women’s Aid UN Day Opposing Violence against Women Seminar and Launch of the Women’s Aid Femicide Watch 2018 (Republic of Ireland).
Join a range of national and international experts to address the link between domestic abuse and femicide, what we can learn from fatal domestic abuse to increase better risk identification and management, the impact of femicide on families, and the role of the State and its agencies in protecting women and children from harm.
Seminar speakers include:
This event will be chaired by Norah Casey, broadcaster and publishing entrepreneur.
Date: Friday 23rd November 2018
Time: 9.30am to 1.30pm
Cost: Free of charge
Venue: The Pillar Room, Rotunda Hospital, Dublin 1.
Accessibility: Please note that this venue is fully accessible and we will have Irish Sign Language Interpreters at the event.
Register: Online at www.womensaid.ie/registration.
Registration deadline: Friday 17th November 2018.
This event marks the start of the 16 Days of Action Campaign 2018 (25th November to 10th December 2018). For more on this campaign visit httpss://www.womensaid.ie/about/campaigns/16days.html
Norah Casey (Dragon’ Den) Break the Silence- Dealing with Domestic Abuse