Marie Moroney
Family Support/ Development Worker
An experienced group facilitator Marie joined the Killaloe/Ballina Community & Family Resource Centre, in March 2020, as a family support and development worker, Marie has facilitated and supported groups around personal development, effective communication, mental health and addiction. She has also experience in working with families, children and young adults.
Marie previously worked in Killaloe/Ballina Community Family Resource Centre, on a Tus Scheme, worked with the team and responsible for developing and updating directory of services also facilitated local community group. In her current role she will be working with the team around in developing community and mental health supports.
Greatest Achievements
Graduating from Addiction Studies Diploma from University of Limerick
Completed “Shep” (social health education project) in Cork, after five years training, I completed specialised tutor training in Personal Development and Effective Communication, now currently delivering programs around the mid-west.
My Favourite Quote
“Realize deeply that the present moment is all you have. Make the NOW the primary focus of your life.”
― Eckhart Tolle